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Are Your Goals Actually Your Goals Or Have You Signed Up To Someone Else‘s Agenda..?

In this article I’m looking at a massive mistake that people make when they try to set goals, and it’s a mistake which sets them up to fail…So, what do I mean when I ask if you have signed up to someone else’s agenda..?

Well, pretty much what it says!

It’s so easy to follow the agenda set by someone else. So easy to follow the crowd. So easy to be part of the herd. Not making any unusual noise, creating no waves, not sticking your head above the parapet, or sticking your hand up to say “Er, is this the only choice?”

Even by following the crowd, we are following someone else’s agenda, in this case - the others in the crowd! We do it because it makes us feel comfortable. We don’t have to explain ourselves to others because we are all doing the same thing.

The problem is, the crowd may well be all doing the same thing, but that same thing in all probability, will be someone else’s agenda again! That agenda could be the government’s, the media’s, the advertisers’. If we look more personally and go back further into our pasts, we may very well be following the agenda of our schooling, our upbringing, our parents.

How many people follow the same career path as a parent? Loads! Loads of people do, and it’s a classic example of following someone else’s agenda. It could be that you are not only following the career path of a parent, but the same as a grandparent too! I’m not saying there is anything wrong with this, but if you look back over your past, at some point you will find the one thing that set the precedent, and here’s the key - *that* person was not following the crowd, that person took that career because it was *their* choice, their agenda.

Can you see the difference? It’s huge.

It doesn’t have to be career choices. That’s just one example. It could be the way you run your business, the services you offer, etc. Are you doing what works for you or what you see everybody else doing in their business?

The list goes on, goes on and goes on.

Tread your own path, liking what you actually like rather than what you think everyone else likes.

Set your own agenda, that's where your genius comes alive.

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